The First Training of TNI AD 2022 Officers Closed, 161 Youth Becomes Second Sergeant

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Tabanan – Success in completing this training has led the best young men from the Udayana Military Command to become Junior Officers who from now on must be ready to carry out state duties and be ready to face the challenges of assignments, no matter how tough.

This was emphasized by the Military Commander (Pangdam) IX/Udayana Major General Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., in his message read by Irdam IX/Udayana Brigadier General Tatan Ardianto, S.I.P., when he became the Inspector of Ceremonies at the Closing Ceremony of Army Officers’ First Training 2022, at Wira Yudha Bhakti Rindam IX/Udayana Field, Kediri, Tabanan, on Thursday (9/2/2023).

The Pangdam further said that having been appointed as a non-commissioned officer meant that he had to leave life as an ordinary civilian and enter military life. This transition is not just a physical or mental change, but must be followed by a change in attitude and behavior of a soldier who always adheres to the Sapta Marga, the Soldier’s Oath and the Eight Compulsory TNI.

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“As a non-commissioned officer, it is on his shoulders that he bears the duties and responsibilities as a soldier who must comply with all statutory provisions and regulations, both those that apply to the general public and those that only apply to TNI Soldiers. I am sure and believe that with the provision that has been obtained in the training, will be able to carry out the task properly,” said the Commander.

Closing this education and training is not the end of taking education and training, but there is still the next stage that must be passed, namely vocational training according to each branch. Among them are Infantry, Cavalry, Armed, Arhanud, Engineers, Equipment, Transportation, Military Police, Transportation Supplies, Health, Adjutant General, Finance, Law and Topography.

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“Prepare yourself well to take part in further education, because starting this year education in the Indonesian Army is already based on Semester Credit Units, so that it can adapt to the demands of scientific and technological developments,” the commander explained.

The ceremony was attended by 161 best sons of the Kodam IX/Udayana (Regional Military Command) who had previously undergone a military education process for 5 months at Rindam IX/Udayana. In its implementation, it was also taken an oath as an Indonesian Army Soldier and officially held the rank of Second Sergeant (Serda).

As for the one who succeeded in achieving the highest achievement in the Three Basic Patterns of Education and the highest achievement in the field of Knowledge and Skills in education was Serda Munajat Taufiqurrahman. Meanwhile, Serda Muhammad Nasrullah won the highest achievement in the field of Attitude and Behavior, and Serda Komang Deny Gunawan won the highest achievement in the Physical Military field. (Pendam IX/Udy)

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Penulis: Pendam IX/UdyEditor: Arby Wibowo
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