Road to KTT G20, Kodam IX/Udayana Ensures Readiness by Holding TFG Again

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DENPASAR – In the framework of Operational Preparedness Exercise (LKO) ahead of the G20 Presidency event, Pangdam IX/Udayana General Major TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., again led the Tactical Floor Game (TFG) of the Regional Security and Evacuation Task Force which was held at GOR Praja Raksaka Kepaon, Denpasar City, on Friday (4/11/2022).

As Commander of the Regional Security Task Force (Dansatgas Pamwil), Pangdam in his direction said that this TFG activity was part of the readiness of the Regional Security and Evacuation Task Force before the implementation of the TFG Mabes TNI level which was planned to be carried out on November 9, which was led directly by Panglima TNI.

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“Although we have previously carried out TFG once, but I hope that the TFG that we are currently hold can be used to ensure readiness again, because the information related to the current development of conditions and situations is more complete compared to the previous TFG,” explained Pangdam.

Furthermore, Pangdam explained that in this TFG it would be simulated through Olah Yudha, VVIP delegation arrival flow from the airport to the inn or to all venues. The Pangdam also informed that later there would be a Troop Title Ceremony organized by the TNI Headquarters, so that it can be prepared earlier in the TFG.

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“So in this TFG we can find out which gaps have not been covered, as well as critical things or factors that we need to solve together with the solution, so I emphasize to all participants to be able to carry out this TFG seriously and full of responsibility. Keep practicing,” said the Pangdam.

The TFG activity was continued with an explanation on the development of situation in Bali and its surroundings by Asintel Kasdam IX/Udayana. Meanwhile, Asops Kasdam IX/Udayana explained about updating the concept of operations and division tasks. BMKG Bali also presented an update on the situation of potential natural disasters. Then, Olah Yudha is held which is the core of the activity.

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Also present at the TFG activity were Commander of the TNI Training Center Kodiklat TNI (Wadirlat), Kasdam IX/Udayana (Evacuation Task Force Commander), Irdam IX/Udy, Danrem 163/WSA (Deputy Commander of the Regional Security Task Force), Expert Staff of Pangdam IX/Udy, Assistants of Kasdam IX/Udy, Commanders/Kabalakdam IX/Udy, Section Heads of Kasrem 163/WSA, as well other invited officials involved in the Regional Security and Evacuation Task Force of the G20 Summit.

Penulis: Pendam IX/UdyEditor: Aly
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