Denpasar – Attended by Main Military Command Officials, Pangdam IX/Udayana General Major TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., led the Handover ceremony (Sertijab) and the Corps Report Tradition of Pamen Ahli Pangdam IX/Udayana for Jemen Sishanneg and Kabekangdam IX/Udayana, on Thursday (8/12/2022) at the Udayana Hall of Makodam IX/Udayana, Denpasar.
The sertijab which began with the tradition of kissing the Pataka Kodam IX/Udayana “Praja Raksaka” as a new member of the Kodam by Colonel Inf Teguh Wiyono who replaced Colonel Inf Waston Purba as Pamen Ahli Pangdam IX/Udayana for Jemen Sishanneg and Lt. Col. Cba Abdul Rosid, S.H., M.M. , as the new Kabekangdam IX/Udayana replacing Colonel Cba Kelly Jufri, S.E., M.M.

Furthermore, the two official who carried out the handover carried out release and pinned the position marks and ended with the kissing of the Pataka Kodam IX/Udayana by the old official to carry out official duties in the new unit.
With the implementation of the Kodam IX/Udayana Sertijab Officials, Pangdam said that the Sertijab was part of the Tour of Duty and Tour of Area to add experience.
“I congratulate the officials who have accepted the assignment and to the officials who have handed over the duties, authority and responsibilities of the position, I thank you for your service at the Kodam IX/Udayana so far,” said the Pangdam.
Kodam IX/Udayana as a strategic compartment has the main task of securing state sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the Bali Nusra region. This means that every soldier, especially officials who will carry out their duties at the IX/Udayana Regional Military Command, must be able to play a role and keep the situation in Bali and Nusa Tenggara in order to remain conducive.
“New officials should immediately learn the main tasks and adapt to the work environment. Give a positive color that can motivate increased performance-based professionalism in each staff,” the Pangdam hoped to end his remarks.