Pangdam Inaugurates 4 Health Facility Rooms at Udayana Level II Hospital and Submit 1 Vehicle Unit For Persit

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Denpasar – To improve health services, The Military Commander (Pandam) IX/Udayana General Major Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., inaugurated The Kartika Pavilion Room, Hemodialysis Unit, Airport Standard Toilet and Main Balcony of Udayana Level II Hospital, on Monday (9/1/2023).

In addition, on this occasion, Pangdam also handed over 1 unit of Hiace Standard operational vehicle to Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Region IX/Udayana to support Persit’s organizational activities.

As Head of Udayana Level II Hospital, Colonel Ckm dr. Suparno, Sp.An., reported to the Pangdam regarding the budget and process for working on various facilities, to maximize the health services of the Tk. II Udayana which is located at Jl. PB. Sudirman No.1, Denpasar City.

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In his remarks, Pangdam expressed his gratitude to all parties who have been involved, both directly and indirectly, in the process of building a health facility room so that it can be completed properly and on time.

“I give positive appreciation for the construction of the four rooms of this facility. To the Kakesdam, Karumkit, and all staff to maintain and make the best use of this room according to its designation,” said the Pangdam.

The Pangdam further said that the construction of the four buildings was one of the efforts of Udayana Level II Hospital in providing professional and quality health services by prioritizing patient safety and satisfaction.

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Regarding the delivery of vehicle assistance to Persit KCK Region IX/Udayana, Pangdam stated that the assistance was a form of concern and an effort by the Military Command IX/Udayana to support and help make Persit activities successful so that the implementation of activities could run better and smoother.

“This is important because all forms of Persit activities are carried out to support the main tasks of the Udayana Regional Military Command,” said the Pangdam.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Dinni Sonny Aprianto as Chairman and on behalf of Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Region IX/Udayana would like to thank the Military Commander IX/Udayana who has helped make Persit’s activities successful by providing an operational vehicle unit. (Pendam IX/Udy)

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