Measuring the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform, the PMPRB Review Activity Team at Headquarters Present at Kodam IX/Udayana

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Denpasar – Kasdam IX/Udayana Brigjen TNI Sachono, S.H., M.Si., received the PMPRB Team from Headquarters led by Colonel Arm Budi Suwanto, S.Sos., as Chair of the TIM for the Review of Bureaucratic Reform Implementation (PMPRB) activities Kodam IX/Udayana TA. 2022, on Wednesday (30/11/2022) at Airlangga Room Makodam IX/Udayana, Denpasar.

On this occasion, Kasdam IX/Udayana read the speech of the Regional Military Commander IX/Udayana Major General TNI Sonny Aprianto, SE, M.M., said that the Indonesian Army’s Bureaucratic Reform program is essentially the Indonesian Army’s commitment to positioning and optimizing its roles and functions and duties appropriately in relations between agencies to create governance that is clean, authoritative and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism.

BACA JUGA :  Dukung Ketahanan Pangan, Kodim 1613/Sumba Barat Tanam Padi Bersama Masyarakat

Bureaucratic reform continues to be carried out in a planned and measurable manner in order to realize the professionalism of the government apparatus in order to improve the performance and quality of public services in an effective, efficient, transparent and accountable manner.

To measure the extent of implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in a work unit, it is necessary to carry out the Self-Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (PMPRB). “PMPRB is an instrument for assessing the progress of the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform which is carried out independently by Ministries or Institutions including the TNI,” added the Military Commander.

Furthermore, the Chairperson of the PMPRB Review activity team delivered remarks by Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Agus Subiyanto, SE, M.Sc., that as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army as well as the Chief Executive for Bureaucratic Reform of the Indonesian Army, thanked him for his seriousness and dedication to the tasks that had been shown, so that the Indonesian Army’s Bureaucratic Reform program experienced a significant increase.

BACA JUGA :  Dandim 1611/Badung Hadiri Pembubaran Kontingen Kota Denpasar dan Penyerahan Tali Asih Ajang Porprov Bali.

In order to encourage an increase in the quality of the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform within the Army, an independent assessment of the implementation of the Bureaucratic Reform policy was held at the Kotama level.

This activity was carried out to review the results of the assessment that had been carried out by the Kotama Assessor Team in assessing the implementation of RB in the Kotama so that information was obtained regarding developments and improvement efforts that needed to be made.

“Let’s create a more advanced, modern and professional TNI AD, in accordance with the Bureaucratic Reform policy set by the Government,” concluded Wakasad.

BACA JUGA :  Kebakaran Hebat Depo Pertamina Pelumpang, Damkar Terjunkan 225 Personil

And present at the event were Irdam IX/Udy, Kapoksahli Pangdam IX/Udy, Danrem 163/WSA, Asrendam IX/Udy, Assistants to Kasdam IX/Udy, Dan/Kabalakdam IX/Udy as well as for Korem 161/WS and Korem 162 /WB follows virtually.

Penulis: Pendam IX/UdyEditor: Aly
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