Chief of Staff Kodam IX/Udayana Gives Awards to the Three Best Young Soldiers

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Tabanan – After carrying out the calendar of student marks and installing epaulettes and being sworn in by Kasdam IX/Udayana as many as 293 people have officially become Army Soldiers with the rank of Soldier Two (Prada).

The activity was carried out at Wira Yudha Bhakti Rindam IX/Udayana Field, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency led by Kasdam IX/Udayana Brigadier General Sachono, S.H., M.Sc., M.Tr.(Han)., and was attended by Main Officials Regional Military Command IX/Udayana, Forkopimda Tabanan Regency and other invited guests, on Friday (14/4/2023).

On this occasion, the Military Commander IX/Udayana Maj. Gen. Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., in his remarks read by Kasdam IX/Udayana, invited all those present to give praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, because today we can attend the Closing Ceremony of the First Enlisted Education of the Indonesian Army Batch II TA 2022 (OV).

The procession of inauguration and swearing in is a historic moment as the starting point for the service of soldiers as Bhayangkari Negara. “Congratulations to all students who have successfully carried out their first education and officially hold the status of an Indonesian Army Soldier with the rank of Private Second,” said the Pangdam.

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After 5 months of first education, then the 293 soldiers will carry out further education according to their respective branches. Where during the teaching and learning process of Dikmata, Prada Fahdilah, who was going to study at the Medan Artillery Branch, succeeded in becoming the best with the achievements of the Three Basic Patterns of Education and achieved the highest achievements in the field of knowledge and skills.

Furthermore, Prada I Wayan Trisna Aditya who entered the Health Branch managed to achieve the highest achievement in the field of attitude and behavior, and Prada Muamar who achieved the highest achievement in the physical military field will later take the Infantry Branch.

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At the end of the Dikmata Closing Ceremony, the newly inaugurated young soldiers conducted a demonstration in front of the invited guests, including loading and unloading weapons, simulating obstacle courses, military self-defense and bayonet fights. (Pendam IX/Udy)

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