Sports with Loyalty Payroll, Building Togetherness Between Kodam IX/Udayana and BNI

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Denpasar – Building togetherness and maintaining health and fitness, Soldiers and Civil Servants of Makodam IX/Udayana together with Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) carry out a joint sport entitled Loyalty Payroll at the Ceremony Field of Makodam IX/Udayana, Denpasar, on Friday (2/12/2022).

The joint sports activity which was led directly by Pangdam IX/Udayana General Major TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., began with a speech from the Pangdam by inviting all participants to always give praise and thanks to God Almighty.

The Pangdam also conveyed that the blessing, mercy and guidance from God Almighty on Friday is a great day and a good day for all of us. We are still given health, safety and given the opportunity to carry out various activities including this morning, we are carrying out sports with Loyalty Payroll.

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“Sports with Loyalty Payroll is carried out in order to build togetherness between Kodam IX/Udayana and BNI,” added the Pangdam IX/Udayana.

On this occasion, Manager Service Management Region Bali, NTB and NTT PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk., I Made Suyanta Yoga would like to thank Mr. Panglima Kodam IX/Udayana for the time given to BNI to be able to carry out the BNI program, namely the Loyalty Payroll Program.

Kodam IX/Udayana is one of BNI’s large payroll institutional customers, with the hope that the synergies that have been built so far will be even tighter. “Greetings are healthy and keep the spirit for all of us,” he concluded ending his remarks.

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In the joint sport which was carried out with aerobics, there was also a prize draw given to BNI customers from the Kodam IX/Udayana in the form of 1 motorcycle and 2 mountain bikes.

Penulis: Pendam IX/UdyEditor: Aly
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