Lead the National Santri Day Ceremony in Bima, Pangdam: TNI is Inseparable from Santri

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BIMA – National Santri Day which is commemorated every October 22, was established through Presidential Decree (Keppres) RI Number 22 of 2015, as a form of appreciation for KH. Hasyim Asy’ari who was able to move the Santri together to fight against the invaders in seizing independence.

On the commemoration of National Santri Day 2022 this time, the Commander of the IX/Udayana Military Command Major General Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., directly led the National Santri Day Commemoration Ceremony which was held at field of SMAN 4, Bima City, Gajah Mada Street, Penatoi Village, Mpunda District, Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, on Saturday (10/22/2022).

Starting his mandate, the Military Commander expressed his gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, because of His blessings, mercy and protection on this happy day, he gives us healthness, strength and opportunity, so that we can carry out the commemoration of Santri Day on October 22, 2022 in Bima City.

The City of Bima was chosen as the venue for the 2022 Santri Day Commemoration Ceremony, because Bima has a religious community. Historically, Bima used to be one of the centers of Islamic development in the archipelago which was marked by the firmness of an sultanate, namely the Bima Sultanate,” said Pangdam.

BACA JUGA :  Usai Dampingi Kunker Wapres RI, Pangdam IX/Udayana Sambangi Kodim 1619/Tabanan

In accordance with the theme ‘Empowering to Maintain Human Dignity’, the Military Commander said that historically Santri have always been actively involved in every phase of the Indonesian nation’s journey. When Indonesia calls, Santri never say no, Santri always dedicate his life to the nation and state.

“It must be known together, in the struggle to seize and defend Indonesia, TNI cannot be separated from the Santri. General Sudirman’s journey of struggle as a Commander in Chief cannot be separated from his childhood life, where his body and soul were shaped by a family environment that adheres to the teachings of Islam,” said Pangdam.

The Pangdam told that the Commander-in-Chief General Sudirman was the father of the Indonesian National Armed Forces who received education to become a Santri at an Islamic Boarding School, so that TNI and the Santri had a very close and inseparable relationship like water and fish.

BACA JUGA :  Bersama Majukan Indonesia, Kodam IX/Udayana Gelar Upacara Peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda

“Hopefully, this Santri Day commemoration does not belong to the Santri alone, Santri Day belongs to all of us, to all components of the nation who love their homeland and to those who have firmness in upholding religious values, human dignity and national values ​​for the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. “said Pangdam.

On this occasion, the Commander of the Regional Military Command also invited to pray for the heroes, especially from the Ulama, Kyai and Santri who had been martyred on the battlefield for the benefit of the nation and religion. The Commander in Chief prayed that the spirits of the nation’s heroes would find the best place in the sight of Allah SWT.

“I am as Pangdam IX/Udayana, would like to thank all the elements of Indonesian society, especially NTB that rejoicing in celebrating Santri Day 2022. Happy Santri Day 2022, Empowered to Maintain Human Dignity,” thereby assertive the Pangdam.

BACA JUGA :  Bangun RST, Korem 162/WB Dapat Hibah Eks Puskesmas dari Pemkot Bima

In his press conference to the media after the ceremony, Pangdam said that he along with Danrem 162/WB and the NTB Regional Police Chief had come to Bima City in NTB to invite all Santri to fulfill their independence by working in all fields and to eliminate the stigma associated with negative things for the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

And also attend at the event were Asintel Kasdam IX/Udy, Danden Inteldam IX/Udy, Head of Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Prov. NTB, Kadisdikpora Prov. NTB, Mayor of Bima, Regent of Bima, Regent of Dompu, Dandim 1608/Bima, Dandim 1614/Dompu, Kapolresta Bima, Kapolres Bima, Director of BNPT Deradicalization, Kajari Kota Bima, Chairman of DPRD Bima City, Ministry of Religion City/Kab. Bima and all Ponpes City/District Leaders. Bima, as well as other invited guests.

Penulis: Pendam IX/UdyEditor: Aly
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